# Liquid-level Tank
In graphic file demo\monitor\chemical industry.tbl. It has a custom property - Value for controlling liquid level.
# Progress Bar <Top>
In library file lib\monitor.tbl. It has a custom property - Value for controlling progress.
# Horizontal Indicator <Top>
In library file lib\monitor.tbl. It has a custom property - Value for controlling indicator.
# Slider <Top>
In library file lib\monitor.tbl. It has a custom property - Value for controlling slider.
# LED <Top>
In library file lib\monitor.tbl. It has a custom property - Value, change it to change number.
# Switches <Top>
In library file lib\monitor.tbl. It has a custom property - OnOff for controlling switch.
# Animation <Top>
You can make various animations in Visual Graph, such as this fan, to let it rotates, just use its inner timer. Every element has an inner timer and can be called by SetTimer function.
# Analog Switch <Top>
In library file lib\monitor.tbl. It has two pictures (red - off and green - on), change OnOff property to change its status.
# Dashboard <Top>
Changed from Dashboard element that stored in library file lib\monitor.tbl, change its value to change the position of pointer.
# Buttons <Top>
In library file lib\buttons.tbl. Various buttons, and allows you to control their actions.
# Pie chart <Top>
In graphic file demo\other\chart.tbl. You can also design your own pie charts conveniently.
# Curve <Top>
In graphic file demo\other\curve.tbl. You can also design/program your own curves conveniently.