Advanced Recent Access is designed to see and open more recent used resources (files and directories). And you can see more properties of the recent resources, such as path, size, type and date accessed/modified/created.
Supports Deutsch, English, Español, Français, Italiano, Magyar, Polski, Português (Brasil), Slovenščina, Suomi, Svenska, Tiếng Việt, Türkçe, Русский, 한국어, 简体中文, 繁體中文.
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Advanced Recent Access wurde entwickelt, um mehr Eigenschaften Ihrer zuletzt verwendeten Ressourcen (Dateien und Verzeichnisse) anzuzeigen.
ARA está diseñado para ver más propiedades de su reciente utilizado (archivos y directorios).
Características dominantes
Accès récent avancé est conçu pour voir plus de propriétés de vos ressources utilisées récemment (fichiers et répertoires).
Principales caractéristiques
Advanced Recent Access mostra più dettagli per risorse usate di recente (files e cartelle).
Caratteristiche chiave
Az Advanced Recent Access-szel több részlet tekinthető meg az erőforrásokról (fájlok és könyvtárak).
Advanced Recent Access został stworzony do zobaczenia ostatnio używanych zasobów (pliki i katalogi).
Kluczowe funkcje
Acesso Recente Avançado está projetado para ver mais propriedades dos seus recursos usados recentemente (arquivos e diretórios).
Funções chave
Advanced Recent Access služi ogledu več lastnosti nedavnih uporabljenih virov (datotek in map).
Ključne funkcije
ARA on suunniteltu näyttämään enemmän ominaisuuksia viimeksi käytetyistä resursseista (tiedostot ja hakemistot).
Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
Advanced Recent Access är utformad för att se fler egenskaper för dina nyligen använda resurser (filer och kataloger).
Viktiga funktioner
Advanced Recent Access được tạo để xem chi tiết về tài nguyên vừa dùng gần đây (tệp tin và thư mục).
Tính năng nổi bật
Advanced Recent Access, son kullanılan dosya ve dizinlerin daha fazla özellik görmek için tasarlanmıştır.
Anahtar özellikler
Advanced Recent Access предназначен для просмотра дополнительных свойств последних используемых ресурсов (файлов и каталогов).
Основные возможности
Advanced Recent Access는 최근 사용된 리소스(파일과 디렉터리)들의 추가적인 속성을 보기 위해 제작되었습니다.
주요 기능
Advanced Recent Access 用来查看最近使用资源(文件和目录)的更多细节。
Advanced Recent Access 用來檢視最近使用資源(檔案和資料夾)的更多細節。
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Advanced Recent Access wurde entwickelt, um mehr Eigenschaften Ihrer zuletzt verwendeten Ressourcen (Dateien und Verzeichnisse) anzuzeigen.
- Sie können mehr Eigenschaften der letzten Ressourcen sehen, wie Pfad, Größe, Typ, Änderungsdatum und Erstellungsdatum.
- Automatisches aufzeichnen von Zugriffszeiten.
- Sortiert die zuletzt verwendeten Ressourcen standardmäßig nach absteigender Reihenfolge, um Ihnen den schnellen Zugriff auf die Hochfrequenzressourcen zu ermöglichen.
- Advanced Recent Access löscht automatisch die nicht mehr vorhandenen letzten Ressourcen.
- Advanced Recent Access kann die aktuellen Ressourcen schnell anhand ihrer Typen filtern, z. B. Verzeichnisse, Dokumente, Bilder, Audio, Videos, komprimierte und andere Dateien.
- Advanced Recent Access sortiert die letzten Ressourcen nach obigen Eigenschaften und zeigt die Anzahl der letzten Ressourcen an.
- Aktualisiert die Liste der zuletzt verwendeten Ressourcen automatisch.
- Merkt sich automatisch die Reihenfolge und Breite der Spalten sowie die Größe und Position des Hauptfensters.
- Advanced Recent Access kann nicht benötigte Spalten ausblenden.
ARA está diseñado para ver más propiedades de su reciente utilizado (archivos y directorios).
Características dominantes
- Puede ver más propiedades de los recursos recientes, como la ruta de acceso, tamaño, tipo, fecha de modificación y fecha de creación.
- Registrar automáticamente acceso.
- Tipo descendente de los últimos recursos de acceso por defecto, con el fin de poder acceder rápidamente a los recursos de alta frecuencia.
- Eliminar automáticamente los recursos últimos inexistentes.
- Puede filtrar rápidamente los últimos recursos de sus tipos, tales como directorios, documentos, imágenes, audio, videos, comprimidos y otros. Puede ordenar los últimos recursos por cualquiera sobre propiedades.
- Muestra el número de recursos recientes.
- Actualizar automáticamente la lista de recursos recientes.
- Automáticamente se recordar el orden y el ancho de las columnas.
- Automáticamente se recordar el tamaño y la ubicación de la ventana principal. Puede ocultar algunas columnas que no desea ver.
Accès récent avancé est conçu pour voir plus de propriétés de vos ressources utilisées récemment (fichiers et répertoires).
Principales caractéristiques
- Peut voir plus de propriétés des ressources récentes, telles que le chemin, la taille, le type, la date de modification et la date de création.
- Enregistrer automatiquement les heures auxquelles vous avez accédé.
- Trie les ressources récentes par temps accédés dans l'ordre décroissant par défaut, afin de vous permettre d'accéder rapidement aux ressources haute fréquence.
- Supprimer automatiquement les ressources récentes inexistantes.
- Peut rapidement filtrer les ressources récentes par leurs types, tels que les répertoires, documents, images, audio, vidéos, compressés et autres.
- Peut trier les ressources récentes par les propriétés ci-dessus.
- Affiche le nombre de ressources récentes. Actualiser automatiquement la liste des ressources récentes.
- Rappelez-vous automatiquement l'ordre et la largeur des colonnes.
- Rappelez-vous automatiquement la taille et l'emplacement de la fenêtre principale. Peut cacher certaines colonnes que vous ne voulez pas voir.
Advanced Recent Access mostra più dettagli per risorse usate di recente (files e cartelle).
Caratteristiche chiave
- Ad esempio, mostra percorso, dimensioni, tipo, data di ultima modifica, data di creazione ed altre ancora.
- Registra automaticamente il numero di accessi a una risorsa.
- Ordina in senso decrescente le risorse usate di recente in base al numero di accessi, in modo da trovare rapidamente le risorse usate frequentemente.
- Cancella automaticamente le risorse recenti non piu' esistenti.
- Può filtrare rapidamente in base al tipo le risorse recenti, come cartelle, documenti, immagini, audio, video, file compressi ed altri.
- Può ordinare le risorse recenti per ciascuno dei criteri sopra indicati.
- Mostra il conteggio delle risorse recenti.
- Aggiorna automaticamente l'elenco delle risorse recenti.
- Ricorda automaticamente ordine e larghezza delle colonne.
- Ricorda automaticamente grandezza e posizione della finestra principale.
- Può nascondere le colonne che non si vogliono vedere.
Az Advanced Recent Access-szel több részlet tekinthető meg az erőforrásokról (fájlok és könyvtárak).
- Több tulajdonságot láthat a legújabb erőforrásokról - elérési út, méret, típus, a módosítás és létrehozás dátuma.
- A rögzített időpontok automatikus rögzítése.
- Alapértelmezetten csökkenő hozzáférési időbe rendezi az erőforrásokat, így gyorsan elérhetők a gyakran használt erőforrások.
- Automatikusan törli a nemlétező legújabb erőforrásokat.
- Típusuk szerint gyorsan kiszűrhetők a legűjabb erőforrások - könyvtár, dokumentum, kép, hang, videó, tömörítvény és egyebek.
- Az erőforrások bármilyen fenti tulajdonság szerint rendezhetők.
- Megjeleníti az erőforrások számát.
- Automatikusan frissíti a legújabb erőforrások listáját.
- Automatikusan megjegyzi az oszlopok elrendezését és szélességét.
- Automatikusan megjegyzi a főablak méretét és helyét.
- Képes elrejteni a szem elől az oszlopokat.
Advanced Recent Access został stworzony do zobaczenia ostatnio używanych zasobów (pliki i katalogi).
Kluczowe funkcje
- Można zobaczyć właściwości ostatnich zasobów, jak ścieżki, rozmiar, typ, data modyfikacji i utworzenia.
- Automatyczny rejestr czasu dostępu.
- Automatycznie usuwa nieistniejące ostatnie zasoby.
- Można szybko filtrować ostatnie zasoby przez ich rodzaje, jak katalogi, dokumenty, obrazy, audio, widea, skompresowane i inne.
- Można sortować ostatnie zasoby przez wszystkie powyższe właściwości.
- Wyświetla najnowsze zasoby.
- Automatycznie odświeża najnowszą listę zasobów.
- Automatycznie zapamiętuje kolejność i szerokość kolumn, położenie kolumn.
- Automatycznie zapamiętuje rozmiar i położenie okna głównego.
- Można ukryć niektóre kolumny, które nie chcesz zobaczyć.
Português (Brasil)
Acesso Recente Avançado está projetado para ver mais propriedades dos seus recursos usados recentemente (arquivos e diretórios).
Funções chave
- Pode ver mais propriedades dos recursos recentes, como caminho, tamanho, tipo, data de modificação e data de criação.
- Gravação automática de tempos de acesso.
- Ordena os recursos recentes por tempo de acesso em ordem decrescente por padrão, de forma a deixar o acesso rápido a recursos mais frequentes.
- Elimina automaticamente os recursos recentes não existentes.
- Pode filtrar rapidamente os recursos recentes pelos seus tipos, tal com diretórios, documentos, imagens, audio, video, comprimidos e outros.
- Pode ordenar os recursos recentes por qualquer das propriedades acima.
- Mostra a contagem dos recursos recentes.
- Atualiza automaticamente a lista de recursos recentes.
- Lembra automaticamente a ordem e o tamanho das colunas.
- Lembra automaticamente o tamanho e a localização da janela principal.
- Pode esconder algumas colunas que não se deseja ver.
Advanced Recent Access služi ogledu več lastnosti nedavnih uporabljenih virov (datotek in map).
Ključne funkcije
- Lahko si ogledate več lastnosti nedavnih virov kot so pot, velikost, vrsta, spremenjen datum in datum ustvarjanja.
- Samodejno beleži čase dostopov.
- Nedavne vire privzeto razvrsti padajoče, tako da vam omogoča hiter dostop do virov visoke frekvence.
- Samodejno izbriše neobstoječe nedavne vire.
- Lahko hitro filtrira nedavne vire po njunih vrstah kot so imeniki, dokumenti, slike, zvok, video posnetki, stisnjeni in drugi.
- Nedavne vire lahko razvrsti po zgornjih lastnostih.
- Prikazuje število nedavnih virov. Samodejno osveži seznam nedavnih virov.
- Samodejno zapomni zaporedje in širino stolpcev.
- Samodejno zapomni velikost in lokacijo glavnega okna.
- Lahko skrije nekaj stolpcev, ki jih ne želite videti.
ARA on suunniteltu näyttämään enemmän ominaisuuksia viimeksi käytetyistä resursseista (tiedostot ja hakemistot).
Tärkeimmät ominaisuudet
- Näet lisää ominaisuuksia viimeksi käytetyistä resursseista, kuten polun, koon, tyypin, muokkaus- ja luontipäivämäärän.
- Tallentaa automaattisesti käytetyt ajat.
- Lajittelee viimeisimmät resurssit oletuksena alenevaan järjestykseen käytettyjen aikojen mukaan.
- Poistaa automaattisesti olemattomat viimeaikaiset resurssit.
- Voi nopeasti suodattaa viimeisimmät resurssit niiden tyyppien mukaan, kuten sovellukset, hakemistot, asiakirjat, kuvat, äänet, videot, pakatut ja muut.
- Voi lajitella viimeisimmät resurssit minkä tahansa edellä mainitun ominaisuuden mukaan.
- Näyttää viimeisimpien resurssien määrän.
- Päivittää viimeisimpien resurssien luettelon automaattisesti.
- Muistaa automaattisesti sarakkeiden järjestyksen ja leveyden.
- Muistaa automaattisesti pääikkunan koon ja sijainnin.
- Voi piilottaa joitakin sarakkeita, joita et halua nähdä.
Advanced Recent Access är utformad för att se fler egenskaper för dina nyligen använda resurser (filer och kataloger).
Viktiga funktioner
- Kan se fler egenskaper av de senaste resurserna, till exempel sökväg, storlek, typ, ändrat datum och datum den skapats.
- Automatiskt spela in använt tid.
- Sorterar de senaste resurserna med tillgång till tider i fallande ordning som standard, så att du snabbt får tillgång till högfrekvent använda resurser.
- Ta bort de icke-existerande resurserna automatiskt.
- Kan snabbt filtrera de senaste resurserna efter sina typer, t.ex. kataloger, dokument, bilder, ljud, videoklipp, komprimerade och andra.
- Kan sortera de senaste resurserna med några av ovanstående egenskaper.
- Visar senaste resursräkning.
- Uppdatera automatiskt senaste resurslistan.
- Minns automatiskt ordning och bredd på kolumnerna.
- Minns automatiskt storleken och platsen på huvudfönstret. Kan gömma några kolumner som du inte vill se.
Tiếng Việt
Advanced Recent Access được tạo để xem chi tiết về tài nguyên vừa dùng gần đây (tệp tin và thư mục).
Tính năng nổi bật
- Xem chi tiết về những tài nguyên vừa dùng, ví dụ: đường dẫn, kích thước, loại, ngày sửa đổi, ngày tạo.
- Tự động ghi lại thời gian truy cập.
- Tự động xoá tài nguyên vừa dùng không tồn tại.
- Nhanh chóng lọc tài nguyên vừa dùng bằng loại, ví dụ thư mục, tài liệu, ảnh, âm thanh, videos, tệp tin nén và loại khác.
- Sắp xếp tài nguyên vừa sử dụng bằng các thuộc tính kể trên.
- Hiển thị bộ đếm tài nguyên vừa dùng.
- Tự động làm mới danh sách tài nguyên vừa dùng.
- Tự động lưu lại danh sách và độ dài bản ghi, phân loại cột và thứ tự.
- Tự động lưu lại kích thước và thư mục của cửa sổ chính.
- Có thể ẩn một vài cột nếu không muốn xem.
Advanced Recent Access, son kullanılan dosya ve dizinlerin daha fazla özellik görmek için tasarlanmıştır.
Anahtar özellikler
- Yol, boyut, tür, değiştirilen tarih ve oluşturulmuş tarih gibi son kaynakların daha fazla özelliğini görebilirsiniz.
- Erişilen süreleri otomatik olarak kaydedin.
- Erişilen zamanlara göre son kaynakları azalan düzende varsayılanlarına göre sıralar, böylece yüksek frekanslı kaynaklara hızlı bir şekilde erişmenize izin verir.
- Varolmayan son kaynakları otomatik olarak sil.
- Son kaynakları, dizinler, belgeler, resimler, ses, videolar, sıkıştırılmış ve diğerleri gibi türlerine göre hızlı bir şekilde filtreleyebilir.
- Son kaynakları yukarıdaki özelliklere göre sıralayabilir.
- Son kaynak sayımını görüntüler.
- Otomatik olarak son kaynaklar listesini yenileyin.
- Sütunların sırasını ve genişliğini otomatik olarak hatırlama.
- Ana pencerenin boyutunu ve yerini otomatik olarak hatırlama. Görmek istemediğiniz bazı sütunları gizleyebilir.
Advanced Recent Access предназначен для просмотра дополнительных свойств последних используемых ресурсов (файлов и каталогов).
Основные возможности
- Можно увидеть больше свойств последних ресурсов, таких как путь, размер, тип, дата изменения и создания.
- Автозапись времени доступа.
- Сортирует последние ресурсы по времени доступа в порядке убывания, чтобы позволить вам быстро получить доступ к часто используемым ресурсам.
- Автоматическое удаление несуществующих недавних ресурсов.
- Может быстро фильтровать последние ресурсы по их типам, таким как каталоги, документы, изображения, аудио, видео, сжатые и прочее.
- Можно сортировать последние ресурсы по любым свойствам, перечисленным выше.
- Показывает количество недавно использовавшихся ресурсов.
- Автоматическое обновление списка недавних ресурсов.
- Автосохранение порядка и ширины столбцов.
- Автосохранение размера и расположения главного окна.
- Можно скрыть столбцы, которые не хотите видеть.
Advanced Recent Access는 최근 사용된 리소스(파일과 디렉터리)들의 추가적인 속성을 보기 위해 제작되었습니다.
주요 기능
- 크기, 유형, 수정한 날짜, 만든 날짜와 같은 최근 리소스의 더 많은 속성들을 볼 수 있습니다.
- 리소스에 연결한 시간을 자동으로 기록합니다.
- 연결된 횟수에 따라 최근 리소스들을 기본적으로 내림차순으로 정렬하여 사용자가 자주 연결 리소스에 빠르게 연결할 수 있게 해줍니다.
- 존재하지 않는 최근 리소스들은 자동으로 삭제합니다.
- 디렉터리, 문서, 이미지, 오디오, 비디오, 압축 파일과 기타 등과 같은 유형별로 최근 리소스들을 빠르게 필터링할 수 있습니다.
- 위의 속성에 의해 최근 리소스들을 분류할 수 있습니다.
- 최근 리소스 갯스를 표시하며 최근 리소스 목록을 자동으로 갱신합니다.
- 열의 순서와 너비를 자동으로 기억합니다.
- 메인 창의 크기와 위치를 자동으로 기억합니다.
- 표시하고 싶지 않은 어떤 열을 감출 수 있습니다.
Advanced Recent Access 用来查看最近使用资源(文件和目录)的更多细节。
- 能查看最近使用资源的更多属性,比如路径、大小、类型、修改日期及创建日期。
- 自动记录访问次数。
- 自动删除不存在的最近使用资源。
- 能根据类型快速过滤最近使用资源,比如目录、文档、图片、音频、视频、压缩包及其他。
- 能按以上任何属性对最近使用资源排序。
- 显示最近使用资源条目数。
- 自动刷新最近使用资源列表。
- 自动记录各列次序及宽度、排序列及顺序。
- 自动记录主界面位置及大小。
- 能隐藏您不想看到的任何列。
Advanced Recent Access 用來檢視最近使用資源(檔案和資料夾)的更多細節。
- 能檢視最近使用資源的更多屬性,比如路徑、大小、類型、修改日期及建立日期。
- 自動記錄存取次數。
- 自動刪除不存在的最近使用資源。
- 能根據類型快速過濾最近使用資源,比如資料夾、文件、圖片、音訊、視訊、壓縮包及其他。
- 能按以上任何屬性對最近使用資源排序。
- 顯示最近使用資源條目數。
- 自動重新整理最近使用資源列表。
- 自動記錄各欄位次序及寬度、排序欄位及順序。
- 自動記錄主畫面位置及大小。
- 能隱藏您不想看到的任何欄位。
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Version Release/Update Date |
Features / Improvements | Bug Fixes |
13.0 Dec 26, 2021 |
12.1 Sep 11, 2021 |
12.0 Sep 07, 2021 |
11.1 Aug 10, 2021 |
11.0 May 10, 2021 |
10.1 May 09, 2021 |
10.0 Apr 26, 2021 |
9.0 Apr 15, 2021 |
8.1 Nov 05, 2020 |
8.0 Oct 13, 2020 |
7.0 Jul 07, 2020 |
6.0 May 17, 2018 Download This Version |
5.0 Feb 27, 2018 Download This Version |
4.0 Oct 28, 2015 |
3.0 Oct 09, 2015 |
2.2 Oct 01, 2015 |
2.1 Sep 25, 2015 |
2.0 Sep 22, 2015 |
1.0 Mar 25, 2014 |
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You can also manually share it by using the following text in your email or other places.Subject: Recommend software - See More Properties of Your Recent Accessed Resources (from 'your name here')
I'm using Advanced Recent Access, it is designed to see more properties of your recent used resources (files and directories), such as path, size, type and date accessed/modified/created.
You should have a test!
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By Jeffrey N @ Feb 07, 2023
This was honestly one of the most useful apps I've ever used.
This was honestly one of the most useful apps I've ever used. It surfaces exactly what you're looking for via some decent sorting controls, so this became an important part of my daily workflow. It's so convenient, it's actually worth buying.
By captain drewi @ Jan 03, 2022
looks a top class prog and a great idea.
Installed and working,looks a top class prog and a great idea,especially for old people with failing memories.Beats the win 10 basic [recent activity]system by a mile.Easy and extensive filtering.
By Myron Carmichael @ Aug 30, 2021
Very efficient and easy to use!
Installed and running fine on Windows 10 64-bit. I like this program! Yes, there are other ways to access recent items, but this one does just what I want it to with only a few clicks. You highlight the file that you are interested in going to again, then click on the top bar to either open it, run it, open the file's location, or view the file's properties. Very efficient and easy to use!
By John @ May 01, 2021
looks like something I have needed for years.
Installed on 64 bit Win 10 works fine and registered ok . Think I will be using this all the time looks like something I have needed for years.
By Steven Custer @ Sep 17, 2020
Thanks for making a very useful app
Thanks for making a very useful app. I've been using a trial version this week and it has come in handy.
By Jeanie Kiser @ Mar 25, 2020
I really enjoy this feature.
I installed Advanced Recent Access today and it does show recently accessed files fairly quickly. It takes a little longer for it to show external drive's file access, but I still really enjoy this feature.
By Frank User @ Dec 11, 2019
Nice. Win 10 x64 Pro. Initial start is a fast display of lots of recent files. Can customize that output as to types. Seems set to auto-run for next boot up. Will try it for a few days but does seem productivity helper if one does a wide variety of work over various of folders. Put in on D drive, seems ok there. Has a file manager look to it so I know I'll be all over it since in/out of tablet mode & desktop as well as wide range of diff apps daily.
By Tony W Haynes @ Oct 08, 2018
very nice one!
1. My first impressions of the value of ARA are very positive, and thank you for a first class support response to resolve a problem with Windows settings. 2. Almost too much information but the filters are really useful. Had a glitch with Windows 7 as the checkbox for 'Store and display recently opened items in the Start menu and the taskbar' was not checked in Windows itself. Support staff were extremely prompt and helpful in tracking this down even though it wasn't actually a problem with their program at all! - To me that says a lot! Will now be looking at their other software too.
By Kestrel @ Aug 01, 2017
Thank you TriSun
Installed without problem on Windows 10 64 bit. I've been using the new start menu in Windows 10 and find it very useful although very limited at the same time. Having installed this and had a play I can see that it is exactly what I was hoping for and it seems to work well. Since I access many files and folders on several drives every day, I can see this becoming a good friend! Thank you TriSun. - By Kestrel
By lofty @ Jan 11, 2016
work quickly and well
Installed easily. Seems to work quickly and well. I can see it being useful to me as often (old age?) I can forget which folder I saved something in and spend a few minutes trying to find it. Sets itself, without as ,to run on system start up. As it starts instantly and knows what's been opened recently, whilst it was closed, doesn't seem much point in having it running all the time.
By @ Feb 18, 2015
Quickly View and Open Recent Files
If you work with a lot of files, you know that it is a time-consuming hassle to navigate to something that you’ve recently used, but which has disappeared from the very limited “Recent Files” list in your app. Today’s discount software promotion addresses this dilemma in an elegant way – it’s Advanced Recent Access!
Advanced Recent Access lets you view and open files you’ve worked with recently, eliminating the need to manually locate them. With Advanced Recent Access, you’ll be able to capture key gains in productivity and efficiency as you gaze upon all of your recent items, including details about file size, path, format, and more!
Need to limit the types of recent items that Advanced Recent Access shows you? Not a problem! Handy filters let you display only documents, images, video, audio, or compressed files. You can also use Advanced Recent Access to easily run, open location, or recycle any item in your list.
By @ Aug 03, 2014
A lightweight and efficient application that was designed to help you see and open your recent used resources, in just a few clicks
Advanced Recent Access is an intuitive and reliable piece of software aimed to provide you with the ability of easily opening the files you have worked with lately, without having to manually locate them on your computer, which can sometimes quite a while.
Clean and approachable looks
The application's main window features a simple and no-nonsense appearance, listing all the relevant items in a list, along with several details about their size, path, format, and others.
At the same time, the filters allow you to display only the types of files you want to work with, for instance 'Documents', 'Images', 'Audio', 'Video' or 'Compressed'.
Advanced Recent Access' ribbon offers you a series of functions, which are also available from the context menu, such as 'Open / Run', 'Open Location' or 'Move To Recycle Bin'.
Find, run or delete your files
The program is meant to assist you in your daily work on the computer, providing you with streamlined means of getting to your most recent files, sparing you from having to waste time finding them on your PC. If the list is too extensive, the 'Find' function can get you to your file more quickly.
Advanced Recent Access analyzes and displays all of the objects you have used, regardless of their format, yet it offers you the possibility of grouping them based on their type. Aside from displaying the file path, size or format, the tool enables you to view the exact 'Date Modified' and 'Date Created'.
The utility allows you to also clean your system by helping you remove certain items that you no longer need. Moreover, you can access a file's location folder or view its 'Properties'.
A tool to provide you with quick access to your files
To conclude, Advanced Recent Access is an efficient and user-friendly program which serves in keeping track of all your recent files, enabling you to launch them with just a click, thus saving you valuable time and effort.