Count the number of days between two dates? It sounds simple, but difficult to do! Because not every year has 365 days, and the two dates may not be just a different of N years. Such as the days between your date of birth and now, the days between your wedding date and now, etc. In most cases, it’s very hard to know about the exact answer.

Is there a way to count the number of days between two dates?

Yes, if you want to quickly know about the exact number of days between two dates, you are in the right place.

It’s very easy, just use Advanced Date Time Calculator (ADTC), first, get it by click below button:

Download Download ADTC To Count the Number of Days between Two Dates

Then install and run it, you will see below interface:
Start Interface

To count the number of days between two dates, just click <Differences> button (left-top, second), you will see the screen like this:
Time Differences Interface

How to count the number of days between two dates? As above, it’s very very easy, you only need to change the dates ([From] and/or [To]) as your need, the number of days between the given two dates will show INSTANTLY!

By default, the two dates are set as current date, in order to let you quickly know about the number days between some important dates and now, such as the first work, first love and wedding, etc. So, in most cases, you only need to change [From] date.

This is not all, there are many many features in ADTC. If nothing else, only the “Differences” module already includes many functions: 1) Except count the number of days, it can also count the number of year(s), month(s), week(s), hour(s), minute(s), second(s) between two dates. 2) Can specify the exact times. 3) Give you the integrated difference (see above screenshot).

Also, you can easily copy out the number of days (and other results), just double click the result, and press <Ctrl+C>, for the integrated difference, ADTC also provide you a button to copy.

Now, you can tell other how many days you live exactly, in 5 seconds.

I think you already know about how to count the number of days between dates, at last, give the direct download button for ADTC:

Download Download ADTC To Count the Number of Days between Two Dates

And you can also visit its official webpage to know more details:
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