PC WorkBreak fournit des rappels appropriés pour réduire votre risque de microtraumatismes répétés. Il propose des rappels de pause multi-types tels que les micro-coupures, l'étirement, les exercices oculaires et la marche, en fonction du modèle d'utilisation de votre PC. Les taux de conformité au programme défini sont également fournis. Suivre un bon programme de pause aidera l'utilisateur intensif d'un PC à libérer le corps de la douleur induite par une longue séance ou une utilisation fréquente du clavier ou de la souris. Tous les paramètres de pause sont configurables et vous pouvez utiliser votre image ou animation préférée (gif) comme rappel de démo.
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J'utilise PC WorkBreak, il fournit des rappels appropriés pour réduire votre risque de blessures répétitives, il offre plusieurs type de rappels de pause tels que micro-pause, étirement, exercices oculaires et marche, basé sur le modèle d'utilisation de votre PC, et tous les paramètres sont configurables.
Vous devriez faire le test!
Page officielle: https://www.trisunsoft.com/pc-work-break/
Téléchargement direct: https://www.trisunsoft.com/pc-work-break/pc-work-break.zip
Par Laurie Nelson @ 03/Jan/2022
I DO need it
This came at a great time for me--just when I needed it most. I've been trying to use another program that has a reminder function but I can't get it to work quite right (probably a user problem). Although I was hoping to avoid installing yet another one-solution program to gunk up my computer, I'm sure PC Workbreak is worth it. I remember using it a couple of years ago, maybe longer, when it was given away here but then uninstalled it because I didn't think I needed it. Now, because of medical issues, I DO need it. You must have read my mind, GOTD and TriSun. lol Thanks.
Par BenAsp @ 23/Oct/2021
handy little programme with a nicely designed interface
It is a handy little programme with a nicely designed interface that's actually rather original for a change.
Par CARLO @ 12/Jul/2021
Thanks for the LIFE SAVING program!
Was diagnosed with a DVT and searched for a program to help me remember to get up and walk every so often. Thanks for the LIFE SAVING program!
Par Michael Schmitt @ 03/Nov/2020
yours is the best
Hi, was looking for a break app and tested all of the ones as a blog said, and yours is the best. Thank you!
Par Stephen Partington (AU) @ 09/Aug/2020
PC Workbreak is for keyboard diehards
PC Workbreak is for keyboard diehards. Schedule your own breaks and a picture reminder stops you till an activity is done. You can Cancel, but it shows in your stats. Why not take 15 seconds to massage your eyes, or stretch, or 15 minutes to walk? Run it in the background from Startup folder.
Par Renegade @ 12/Mar/2020
I think I’ll try PCWB before I get to the tipping point
You’ve been so caught up doing a job in front of a PC, that by the time you decide to take a break you notice that several marathon hours have just flown by. And when you get out of your office chair you can’t help but notice that your lower back aches, or your hands are stiff, or you have a crushing headache, your near sight is a blur, or you’ve all the above. And after that kind of work day you get up the very next morning and start all over again. A person’s body can only take so much abuse and by the time many, many, people figure that out, it just might be past the tipping point. So I think I’ll try PCWB before I get to the tipping point, if it already isn’t too late.
Par Rick Sittel @ 30/Dec/2019
I’ve been looking for something exactly like this
I’ve been looking for something exactly like this. I’m a writer, on the computer all day long, and I need to get up and do exercises every hour so I don’t turn into a marshmallow or something. The user interface is a little different, but not difficult to use, I like it. I can program the break time, what it’s for etc. looks perfect.
Par Allan @ 12/Oct/2019
This program can be usefull for some of us
I got a deep vein thrombosis in the leg for 6 months ago, and while I heal, I don’t sit with my legs in the same position for an extended period of time. This program can be usefull for some of us – if not for life – then for a period. I’ll give it a try. Thanks for the opportunity to, Trisun Software.
Par Wayne @ 20/Sep/2018
this is actually a useful program to have
If like me you are semi-addicted to browsing or working without interruption for hours at a time (e.g., copy editing), this is actually a useful program to have. It’s certainly worth a try.
Par Thomas Roberts (CA) @ 25/Feb/2017
Seems to be just fine
Seems to be just fine, thanks Trisun, Nosa Lee.
Par Tony @ 02/Oct/2016
Looks like a keeper, Thanks!
Looks like a keeper, Thanks!
Par Nelson @ 07/Sep/2015
Thanks, PCWB developers.
I’ve been needing something like this to, hopefully, motivate me and remind me to stop working for a few minutes. Although I’m retired and in my 70’s, I still spend a lot of time on my computer, doing genealogy research, playing games, learning to use new software, etc. My body pays the toll when I spend too much time sitting. I haven’t played with this much yet, but I think it’s cool. Nice to see something different–especially not the awful MS ribbon. I’m also glad to see that PCWB has a couple of built-in break reminders that I need–take a walk and do eye exercises. I’m looking forward to trying out this tool. Thanks, PCWB developers.
Par TechRepublic.com @ 30/Aug/2014
PC Work Break is a multi-type break system that will remind you to take micro breaks, stretching breaks, eye exercises, and even walks.
PC Work Break is a multi-type break system that will remind you to take micro breaks, stretching breaks, eye exercises, and even walks. What is unique to PC Work Break is that it focuses on specific PC usage models. PC Work Break features: Flexible break settings, professional stretch demos, breaks compliance statistics, unicode support table, 32 and 64 bit support, and multi-language support. PC World Break supports Windows 2000, XP, Vista, 7, and 8.
Par Softpedia.com @ 03/Sep/2013
Take regular breaks from your computer work in order to ensure you will not suffer from Repetitive Strain Injuries, thanks to this handy tool
When working on a complex project, you might get so caught up in your work that you forget to take a break, stretch for a few minutes or simply drink a cup of water.
PC WorkBreak is one of the applications that remind you when it is time to take a break so as to increase your long-term productivity.
Minimalistic, yet intuitive GUI
The utility comes with a simplistic graphic user interface (GUI), which makes it easy for everyone to identify and understand its functions.
You need to start by creating a list with the breaks you want to take, as well as define some time intervals when no breaks are required, then set PC WorkBreak to run at Windows startup.
Set up frequent breaks, depending on your needs
When it comes to setting up a new break, you need to assign it a brief title that can also serve as a motivational phrase – this way you can make sure that you are not tempted to ignore the break reminder.
You can choose the break duration (in seconds) and its frequency or fixed time, along with a relevant graphic file (GIF, JPEG, BMP, WMF, PNG or ICO).
Play sounds during the scheduled breaks and choose ‘no break’ days
A nifty function is enjoying your preferred audio tracks in the background, while taking the scheduled breaks since this can help you relax to the fullest and recharge your batteries.
As previously mentioned, you can define some time intervals when no breaks are required, as well as select the so-called ‘No Break Days’. This can come in handy if you plan to set PC WorkBreak to run at startup and do not want it to remind you to take a break when watching a movie or playing a game on weekends.
All in all, PC WorkBreak can be of great use to workaholics who rarely remember to take a break. The app also keeps track of all the breaks you dismissed or interrupted to get back to work, so you can use the statistics as an incentive to relax more even if you are working on an important project.
Par BitsDuJour.com @ 26/Mar/2012
PC WorkBreak reduces your risk of Repetitive Strain Injury with helpful reminders to stretch, do eye exercises, or take a break from your computer.
Day in and day out, you do the same routine. You grab a cup of coffee, sit down at your computer, and work, work, work! Do you know what kind of impact this has on your health? Even if you don’t, today’s discount software promotion does – it’s PC WorkBreak!
PC WorkBreak reduces your risk of Repetitive Strain Injury with helpful reminders to stretch, do eye exercises, or take a break from your computer. With PC WorkBreak, you’ll be able to avert the typical aches and pains associated with heavy PC use, caused by extended periods of sitting and keyboard/mouse usage. The result? Even greater productivity, since you’ll feel better when you are working if you take the recommended breaks.
Best of all, PC WorkBreak lets you configure your reminders so that you can use your own favorite photos or animated GIFs as a trigger to take a break! The program even shows you the statistics behind how often you took a break, and all break settings are customizable to suit your specific work style.
Key Features
Reduce the risk of Repetitive Strain Injury.
Receive reminders when it’s time to take a break.
Lessen the physical toll taken by extended PC usage.
View statistics showing how often you took a break.
Customize the program with your own reminders.
Par Softoxi.com @ 12/Nov/2011
If you need a handy, easy to use and efficient tool that can help you remind to take a break, then you should try PC WorkBreak.
If you need a handy, easy to use and efficient tool that can help you remind to take a break, then you should try PC WorkBreak. It is also a lightweight and friendly tool that does its job very well.
If your job is very stressful and you keep forgetting to take a break, then you surely could use a handy tool that can help you and remind you to do that. PC WorkBreak is such a handy tool that provides a very easy and efficient solution for this need.
PC WorkBreak is a simple to use, powerful and very useful tool that provides break reminders. Moreover, this piece of software provides multiple types of break reminders: for a simple break, for some stretching, for eye exercises or for having a walk. Also, PC WorkBreak lets you set the exact time when to take a break and also set the break duration.
Whenever the time for a break start or break end has arrived, you will be notified with a pop-up window, an image, a message or with the help of a played audio file. This amazing piece of software lets you change the type of the reminder, as well as the image, message and the audio file.
PC WorkBreak comes with an user friendly interface that makes it very simple to be used. Also, whenever you minimize it, PC WorkBreak will go directly in your system tray, so it won't occupy any of your precious desktop space.
Moreover, this neat piece of software is very convenient because it is portable. Therefore, you can carry it around with you on a portable device and use it whenever you want. Furthermore, another convenient feature of PC WorkBreak is that it requires only an insignificant few of your computer resources.
To sum it all up, PC WorkBreak is an easy to use and handy tool for those who forget to take breaks from work and therefore, endanger their health.