KeyMusic lässt Ihre Tastatur Musik für die Unterhaltung spielen, wenn man darauf tippt, Mädchen oder Kinder werden es mögen.
Es ist sehr einfach zu bedienen, einfach installieren und auszuführen, Ihre Tastatur wird singen, während Sie tippen.
Sie können das Audio-Gerät, das Instrument, die Lautstärke und den Ton einstellen, um eine große Auswahl an Musik zu erhalten. Alle Einstellungen werden beim Beenden automatisch gespeichert.
Es ist sehr einfach zu bedienen, einfach installieren und auszuführen, Ihre Tastatur wird singen, während Sie tippen.
Sie können das Audio-Gerät, das Instrument, die Lautstärke und den Ton einstellen, um eine große Auswahl an Musik zu erhalten. Alle Einstellungen werden beim Beenden automatisch gespeichert.
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Sie können es auch manuell freigeben, indem Sie den folgenden Text in Ihrer E-Mail oder an anderen Orten verwenden.Betreff: Empfohlene Software - KeyMusic: Lässt Ihre Tastatur beim Tippen Musik abspielen (von 'Ihr Name hier')
Ich verwende KeyMusic, damit die Tastatur beim Tippen zur Unterhaltung Musik abspielt.
Du solltest einen Test probieren!
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Von Judi Podgurski @ 05.Jan.2022
This is really a fun idea!
This is really a fun idea. I am impressed at the number of sounds that can be chosen from. I chose the harp, but it will be fun to try the other sounds. I think it would be much more fun though, if the notes were put into order, along the rows of keys....."qwerty"=do re me fa so la and so on.
Von exaybachay @ 25.Aug.2021
this is a very nice program
The program downloaded and installed easily on windows10. It was easy to register. In trying the program out, some of the "voices" or tones worked well, while others seemed to make their tone go forever, all right on top of each other. Some of the tones, sounded for just a little bit of time, then faded out, and others stopped right away. I think once you get used to which tones you can use, and which ones do not work so well, it is really fun to use. I would like to see the program fixed, so that all tones could be used. The program does turn off easily, which was helpful while testing the tones. I do think this is a very nice program, and could be helpful for many applications, and activities, such as working with children. I would like to thank TriSun software for the program and Giveaway of the day for providing this program.
Von M. Aronson @ 23.Mar.2021
This is a really FUN program!
Wow! Super-painless download and registration (just follow the ReadMe instructions.) This is a really FUN program! I like that you can turn it on or off, and you can customize the sounds and the volume. It's a great giveaway! Thanks so much TriSun!
Von KK @ 18.Dec.2020
Seems fun
Hmmmm. Seems fun. May have to give it a spin. Thanks!
Von Stephen Partington (AU) @ 12.Sep.2020
A little promo for TriSun Software
A little promo for TriSun Software: Keymusic plays a tone for every keypress, so you make music as you type.
Von @ 23.Apr.2020
본 프로그램은 사용에 아무런 제한이 없는 프리웨어입니다.
본 프로그램은 사용에 아무런 제한이 없는 프리웨어입니다.
KeyMusic은 키보드 키를 이용해서 음악을 연주할 수 있는 프로그램입니다.
Device에서 MiDi를 선택하고 Instrument에서 악기 종류를 선택하면 됩니다.
볼륨과 Tone을 조절한 후 시스템트레이에 최소화한 후 키보드를 누르면 연주할 수 있습니다.
아쉬운 것은 키보드의 키가 어떤 음인지를 표시해주는 메뉴가 없다는 겁니다.
☞ 주요기능
키보드 타이핑으로 음악 연주
음악 효과 설정
노 설치
매우 사용하기 쉬운 인터페이스
설정 자동 저장
다양한 악기 지원
Von I Love Free Software @ 30.Dec.2019
Play Music With PC Keyboard: KeyMusic
Play Music With PC Keyboard: KeyMusic
by Deepika Arora
KeyMusic is a Windows software to play music with PC keyboard while typing. This software turns your PC keyboard in to a piano. So when you type, you can hear music with each keystroke. This software to play music with PC keyboard while typing is quite an entertainment which adds fun to your typing work. On a serious note, this music software can make typing an art, since it assigns a soothing sound to each key which allows you to compose music while typing on PC.
Keymusic is a portable software. The music plays anywhere in the entire system.
This key music allows you select a musical instrument you would like to play while typing and the tone of the sounds. It varies from C# and C to B. You can choose from a variety of musical instruments starting right from the classic piano, violin to the carillon and down to the synthesizer sounds and modern bass.
In addition, this software to play music with PC keyboard also authorizes you to adjust the volume using the slider bar. The best part, it automatically saves the settings even if you shut the program so that you do not need to make such adjustments over and over again.
Besides, KeyMusic window never affects the flow of your work because you can click ‘Minimize to System Tray’ in order to hide it. In case you want to see the window, just click the corresponding system tray icon.
How to Download KeyMusic:
Go on to the website
click on "Free Download"
Click on "Run" in order to start, you do not require to install
Yupp...its done...listen to your keys…they are giving a soothing music everytime you click a key. You can even adjust the volume. In case you want to stop the playing noise, just close the window. It will automatically stop playing music as well. You can also play Piano on your Computer with a software reviewed by us. Click on the link to read more about the software.
In short, KeyMusic is a platform with which you can make typing on Keyboard, an art and can take this art forward. Go ahead guyzz...get it right away, play music with PC keyboard!!
Von @ 26.Nov.2019
A KeyMusic MIDI billentyűzetet varázsol a számítógép billentyűzetéből.
A KeyMusic MIDI billentyűzetet varázsol a számítógép billentyűzetéből. A hangminősége erősen függ a gépünktől, s azon belül is a hangkártyánktól, mivel a rendszer MIDi hangszereit tudjuk vele megszólaltani. Alaphelyzetben túlzás lenne azt állítani, hogy élethű a hangzás, de egy kis szórakozáshoz tökéletes. Mellesleg arra is remekül használható a program, hogy megtréfáljuk ismerőseinket, hiszen telepítés nélkül futtatható akár egy pendrájvról is, és ha lekicsinyítjük a Tálca értesítési részére, nem is különösebben feltűnő, hogy fut. Ám amint gépelni kezd az illető, rögtön dalra fakad a gép, akkor is, ha mondjuk egy szövegszerkesztőben áll neki levelet írni.
Von 软件街 @ 13.Jun.2019
Von 關鍵應用 @ 25.Sep.2018
想要在敲電腦鍵盤時,就能夠創作自己的音樂時,可以來試試 KeyMusic 這套免安裝又免費的讓你用鍵盤創造你的音樂,KeyMusic 可選樂器,像是鋼琴、大提琴、風琴、口琴、小提琴等等數十種樂器,在音調上可選 C、D、E、F...等音調,使用方式很簡單,執行 KeyMusic 後,選擇好要使用的樂器名稱、音調,接下來在鍵盤鍵入你的創作吧!
1.下載後,用滑鼠雙擊[key-music.exe]便能開啟 KeyMusic,開啟後,在 Instrument 可選樂器名稱。
Von The Windows Club @ 13.Feb.2018
KeyMusic: Create music as you type on your computer keyboard
When you are typing something on your Windows PC, sometimes you might just want to be entertained too. Try KeyMusic. It is a nice tool which plays different musical instruments when you press your keyboard keys.
You can switch between different musical instruments very easily from the drop-down menu. Some of the musical instruments supported by KeyMusic are listed below: Piano, Harpsichord, Clavinet, Music Box, Marimba, Xylophone, Church Organ, Harmonica, Violin, Contrabass, And may more...
The application is very light and is portable - no need to install it. You just need to select the Device, the Instrument, the Volume and finally then Tone - and after that you are ready to go.
I would recommend you to select "Piano 2" as your instrument, it's very good. It supports 12 different Tones including C and C#. You just need to do is to select the settings and minimize it to system tray. Your settings would be saved by the application as you exit the application. You can also choose to minimize it to the system tray.
There is nothing much complicated on the interface of KeyMusic, it's very user-friendly. The application is not so large, it only worth 612 KB. KeyMusic is a fun application that assigns a beautiful sound to each key and create music as you type.
Download this application for Windows 7 and get encouraged to type more and create beautiful music more! Click here to download it .
PS: Jotti reports the file to be clean and it worked fine on my Windows 7.
Von Softoxi Editor @ 23.Sep.2017
KeyMusic is a fun application that can make typing an art
Sometimes, when you are working on the computer, you could use a little music, either to keep your kids occupied or to simply improve your mood. KeyMusic is a software that will make this possible.
KeyMusic is a fun application that can make typing an art, because it assigns a beautiful sound to each key, allowing you to create or play music while working on your PC.
KeyMusic is a portable software that you can take with anywhere because you don't need to install it to be able to run it, it has a very easy to use interface and it doesn't affect your workflow due to its capability to minimize into the system tray.
KeyMusic will allow you to select what type of musical instrument you want to play while typing and also in what tone should the sounds be (from C and C# to B). You will be able to choose from a very wide array of musical instruments starting from the classics piano, violin, or harp sounds to the exotic shakuhachi and glockenspiel and down to the modern bass and synthesizer sounds.
KeyMusic will also enable you to select the device and to adjust the sound volume with the use of the slider bar incorporated in its interface. It will automatically save your settings when you close to program so that you won't have to select them all over again every time you run the application.
KeyMusic is a simple, fun and friendly application that will help you easily play music sounds while typing.
If you need a software that can help keep your kids entertained while your are typing on your computer, or if would simply like your keys to play different musical sounds then you should try KeyMusic. It is a simple software that will fill the air with beautiful instruments sounds, in a variety of tones.
Von @ 20.Jul.2017
Make Your Keys Sing as You Type
If you’re typing out a long essay or article, it can get extremely boring and tedious. Most people put on music to help pass the time. But if you pick up today’s discount software promotion, you will be the music! It’s KeyMusic!
KeyMusic assigns musical notes to the keys on your keyboard, so when you type, music comes out! With KeyMusic, you’ll be able to adjust the musical effect to your preferences, and the program is smart enough to remember your customized settings between sessions. Make your keyboard sing as you type!
What kinds of settings can you customize with KeyMusic? How about Device, Instrument, Volume, and Tone? By leveraging the power of Windows Media Player, KeyMusic makes each typing session into pure entertainment.