PCWB Documentation - Break settings Interface Manual
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Sets your breaks.
Open Method
Click <Break Settings> button on the main interface.
Interface and Illustration

Fields Explanation
- [Prompt] - must be filled, click the drop-down button can select a built-in prompt and will fill demo box with the corresponding demo.
- [Demo] - selecting a built-in demo will fill [Prompt] with the corresponding prompt.
- [Fixed Frequency (Mins)] - counts time after program started or saved existing break settings.
Commands Reference
- selects a demo for current unsaved break setting.
- removes current demo from break setter.
- views full demo for the selection.
- <Add Now> - adds break setter's setting to existing break settings.
- removes the selected row from existing break settings <Del>.
- views the demo of the selected break.
- loads predefined break settings.
- <Save> - saves the data according to "Existing Break Settings".
- <Cancel> - closes this interface without save <Esc>.
- "Break Setter" is only used to set a new break, cannot modify an existing break setting. To modify the existing break setting, please remove it and then add one.
- Usually, you don't need to change break settings, just use the predefined settings.